Since the end of this little story I've lost another one of my dear friends, no fret though because she is sleeping in the freezer with my other friends. Her name was Martha. My goodness she was a nice fancy lady. Never cared to sniff too much milk because she knows how I'm sensitive to that because of how I lost my dear husband to it. That was Martha for you, a kindly lady. I knew she was due to a long sleep because the poor thing was just too old. I'm sorry what did you ask me? How I felt about the man showing up that late night? That's right, I remember now. Oh that poor boy. He was nearly shivering to death. It was nice to have some company though, but lets get back to talking about cats. Do you have any?
My thoughts interviewing Mrs. Kelly:
To start, Mrs. Kelly was exuberant when I showed up on her door step. She immediately welcomed me into her house. The first question I asked her was how she felt about the way Truman Capote represented her in the story. Well if you can't tell from what she said in the interview, she was not too concerned about herself. Instead she wanted to talk to me about her cats...and nothing else! As an interviewer I did not want to offend Mrs. Kelly, but man she just would not stop talking about her cats. The other thing that was bothering me was that I was scratching from all of the cat hair that was in her house. Let me also say that she tried to show me her fridge full of cats, I felt like there was no escape! To make matters worse, Mr. Capote himself walked into the room and greeted Mrs. Kelly with a warm hug and pat on the back. He looked at me and started laughing and told me that I should go look in the freezer at poor Mrs. Kelly's lovely friends. By the end of this visit I left white faced with a grinning Capote and Kelly waving goodbye to me. Did I mention that I'm not a fan of cats?
Here's a picture of Mrs. Kelly from when she was younger: